Read Romans 1:18-23
As well as being exciting, the Gospel of Christ can be hard hitting. This next passage can be disturbing, almost frightening as Paul begins to speak about Judgement, Divine Retribution and in some translations the Wrath of God. The latter has been described in terms of a metaphor of anger employed by the ancient Israelites to describe God’s attitude towards sin.
Paul in this passage Paul tells is that something is dreadfully wrong with us, our friends and society and goes on to answer the question, “Why is God angry with sinful people.” - because they have substituted the Truth about God with a fantasy of their own imagination.
Like yesterday, I turn to the writings of Basil Hume, where he says, “We are apt to fall into the trap of thinking that we are self-sufficient, that we do not need God, that God is a concept that belongs to a more primitive people. Yet are we in our day wiser than our ancestors? We know more, can achieve more, but are we better at understanding the true meaning and purpose of every human life? Do we live more in harmony and peace than by-gone ages?
The answers to these questions are clear enough. Maybe if we have come to think of a world without God as sensible and self-evident, then perhaps we are being as naive about religion as our forefathers were about the working of the universe, about science. Every age needs to be humble about what it does not know or has forgotten.”
We confess our failings, Lord. There are times when we focus so hard on the road ahead that we find ourselves blind to opportunities presenting themselves beside us. Remove our blinkers, Lord. Forgive us lost chances and grant us freedom to recognise new opportunities in which to share your love. Amen.