Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

About Us

We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Saturday, 30 April 2022

A Journey Through Roman

Read Romans 1:18-23

As well as being exciting, the Gospel of Christ can be hard hitting. This next passage can be disturbing, almost frightening as Paul begins to speak about Judgement, Divine Retribution and in some translations the Wrath of God. The latter has been described in terms of a metaphor of anger employed by the ancient Israelites to describe God’s attitude towards sin.

Paul in this passage Paul tells is that something is dreadfully wrong with us, our friends and society and goes on to answer the question, “Why is God angry with sinful people.” - because they have substituted the Truth about God with a fantasy of their own imagination.

Like yesterday, I turn to the writings of Basil Hume, where he says, “We are apt to fall into the trap of thinking that we are self-sufficient, that we do not need God, that God is a concept that belongs to a more primitive people. Yet are we in our day wiser than our ancestors? We know more, can achieve more, but are we better at understanding the true meaning and purpose of every human life? Do we live more in harmony and peace than by-gone ages?

The answers to these questions are clear enough. Maybe if we have come to think of a world without God as sensible and self-evident, then perhaps we are being as naive about religion as our forefathers were about the working of the universe, about science. Every age needs to be humble about what it does not know or has forgotten.”


We confess our failings, Lord. There are times when we focus so hard on the road ahead that we find ourselves blind to opportunities presenting themselves beside us. Remove our blinkers, Lord. Forgive us lost chances and grant us freedom to recognise new opportunities in which to share your love. Amen.

Friday, 29 April 2022

A Journey Through Romans

Read Romans 1:1-17

I am sure that we all could do with some good news as we are daily bombarded with death and destruction, war and want, fighting and fear.  

It’s part of the human condition that when good news appears, we have an overwhelming desire to share it with someone else.

Paul in the letter to the Romans was excited about the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. As you read these opening verses do you feel the excitement, its almost contagious. In verses 1-5, Paul gives a summary of the gospel for which he claims he has been set apart.

Then in verse seven, Paul wants to share this excitement with others, “To you all then, loved of God and called to be Christ’s men and woman, grace and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ.” J B Phillips

Basil Hume - former Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster has a novel way of portraying the Gospel of Christ as “God who looks for us.” In his book “To Be A Pilgrim.

“When adults play hide and seek with young children, the children can never lose. It would be a bad game if adults hid in some place where they could not be found. We make certain that we can be found. If, by chance, the child still fails, then we go in search. Is there not something similar in God? He gives us any number of opportunities to find Him. And even if we become distracted and stop looking, He will take an initiative — a happy experience possibly, or one involving tragedy or sadness - and come looking for us. He wants us. Never doubt that. It is foolish to hide from Him.”


Lord, thank you for calling us to be a people of God. Help us to use the gifts you have given us so that you can give us more of your many kind blessings for the benefit of your people and this as yet outside.  Amen Rev’d Dr David Watson

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Station 10

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to Saul of Tarsus

The one who became Apostle to the nations

1 Another road of heart break see

A man intent on bringing hell

Into the lives of Jesus folk.

This Saul of Tarsus, who can tell

What’s in his heart, what moves him so

With cruel vindictive hate to crow.

2 Intent on hate he stumbles falls

And light so forceful to him calls

 Yet in his blindness, hears quite clear.

‘Why me, you persecute, why jeer

With voice outspoken, why you sneer

And want me silenced - do you fear.”

3 “Who are you, Lord,” Saul questions why

“The one you torture Jesus Christ.

Go to the town, get up arise

And there await, the reason why.

You will be told what you should do

Rise up I tell you, walk, now go.”

4 The men with Saul amazed guide him

To city street and three days dim,

No sight of eye nor light of day

Brings him relief or sunshine’s ray.

Yet in that darkness comes new sight

Far brighter than the brightest light.

5 Lord in my darkness, may I see

The blessing of your royal decree

Of dying, death and resurrection 

Of Easter glory’s sweet reflection.

Lord, when I fall help me to know

And show the way that I should go.

Risen Lord, though we have fled from you a hundred times and caused pain to those who love you – lead us into the city where we will find you and open our eyes to the glory of your presence.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

 Stations 9

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to James, his brother 

The one who witnessed with his death

A brother’s love, a kinship shared.

From childhood into older years

Leaves its own mark upon the heart

Surpassing trivial frets the fears.

Such tenderness and kindness trace

A deeper sense of lasting grace.

And so to sibling James appears

His brother Christ, so loved, so dear.

And from that moment here we find

Servant of Christ, of selfless kind.

Risen Lord, though we are surrounded by testimonies to your love both in life and in death - help us when it is hard to witness within our families and when it is difficult to speak about you in our communities.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Station 8

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to the Five Hundred 

The ones who all saw the Risen Lord at once

Five hundred more received the sight

Of Christ, the Risen Lord of light.

The one who taught and healed and blessed

When in their pain they ‘came distressed.

They’d travelled far, they’d heard his claim

Saw miracles they couldn’t explain.

Heard Kingdom come, saw bread of heav’n

 Life eternal, sins forgiven

And so these followers of the way

Have witnessed to this new life day

And in the presence of the king

Their Hallelujahs gladly sing.

Risen Lord, though we enter your kingdom one by one - show us how to celebrate that we belong to one another, to rejoice in the fellowship of believers and to glory in the witness of the saints.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Monday, 25 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Station 7

Glory to you, O Christ:

by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to the Seven by the Lake 

The ones who had caught nothing

1 We fished all night, and nothing caught;

Relentless toil, with nothing brought

Into our boat upon the sea

Not one mere morsel, payment, fee.

2 Then on the distant shore we saw

A mystery, a shape, a lure

Of one who called for us to cast

Our nets and pull to shore and moor.

3 Our rope did strain, our nets did bulge

With gunnels topped we gapped amazed.

Then Peter, with a shout did yell,

It is the Lord, praise him he’s raised.

4 So shoreward bound we made our way

And found a charcoal fire ablaze.

There with the master we  partook

And ate a heart felt meal with praise.

5 Lord, at each meal each table spread

May I your living presence know; 

And in the joy of being fed

See love and mercy over flow.

Risen Lord, though we long to be labourers in your harvest and partners in your mission - reveal to us the strategies of your kingdom and the accents of your love.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Station 6

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to Thomas the Twin a week later 

The one who needed proof

1 I am he, I’m the doubter, 

the one wanting proof

Of what they had told me

I need truth foolproof.

2 I can not believe it,

I cannot conceive,

How Jesus of Nazareth

Dead! Oh how I grieve.

3 Until I see clearly 

The marks in his side

Where cruel armed soldiers

Made sure he had died.

4 Unless I can touch him

The scared wounds to press

With my hands; what anger

I feel, nothing less. 

5 “Oh Thomas my peace know,

Come, here is my side

Reach out, come and touch me

Don’t doubt nor truth hide.

6 Believe now through seeing

Bless those who abide

Who haven’t yet seen me

Without sight to guide.”

7 “My Lord and my Master,

My God” I replied

His peace fills my being

All doubts thrown aside.”

Risen Lord, though you reveal yourself in the lives others, we long for you to reveal yourself just as truly to us, that we too may share the good news of your living presence.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Friday, 22 April 2022

Witnesses to the Resurrection

Station 5

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to the Two on the Road to Emmaus 

 The ones whose eyes were opened 

1 The Highway of heartbreak, 

The dirt track of doubt,

The weight of each foot step,

What is this about?

2 We’d followed the master,

Hung on each sweet word

And now its disaster,

“Yet haven’t you heard?”

3 We’re joined by a stranger

Who seemed not to know

Of all that had happened,

How we’d been brought low.

4 With wisdom relating

The stranger foretold,

Of scriptures revealing

Of truths deep rich gold.

5 Our journey now over

Had come to an end.

The stranger made ready

His own way to wend.

6 We pressed him to join us

Our table to share

A morsel of comfort,

Some modest affair.

7 He took bread in blessing,

Our hearts then did stir.

It’s him, our dear Master

Our eyes now unblurred.

8 With that he now left us

Our joy now complete

We couldn’t run faster

Disciples to greet.

Risen Lord, though we have listened to the stories of your resurrection many times - walk with us on our journey and reveal yourself afresh in the fellowship of word and table.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ


Station 4

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to the Ten in the Upper Room  

The ones locked away in fear   

1  Upper room, the table bare

No bread, no wine now here to share.

We’ve heard the news, yet still we fear

No peace of mind, to dry our tears.

2 Then in an instance, light appeared.

Is it a trick that now has neared.

What ghost, what spectre see we now

Disturbing heart and mind, but how?

3 “What is your trouble, doubting minds

Look at my hands, my feet, here find

Reach out and touch, for it is I

No apparition here, no lie.”

4 His hands, his feet his broken side

We saw yet in our hearts denied,

How could the Lord from death be risen

“What food have you, no bread of heav’n?”

5 We gave, he ate and once again

He shared the word and made it plain.

All we had heard, seemed new to tell

How all things preached were planned as well.

6 “The suffering, the third day rise

Repentance sure, forgiveness wise

Were written for the world to know

And  you my witnesses will go.

7 Jerusalem’s where you will start

And then from there you will embark

As witnesses to human kind

Across the world to seek and find.

8 I now must to my Father go

That you a comforter may know,

One to strengthen to make things plain.

So wait just now and here remain.

Risen Lord, though we are afraid and our fears are real, speak peace to our hearts and breathe upon us the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Station 3

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to Simon Peter 

The one who needed to be forgiven

1 Do you love me, more than these?

Do you love me, more than these?

Will you love me, when your heart is low,

When you do not know what’s ahead?

Will you love me, when your life seems slow

Though the future now you may dread?

2 Lord, you must know that I love you,

Yes, you must know I love you.

Though I left your side and your love denied

Though I said that I never knew!

Knew that you alone could change my poor heart

By the love of God found in you.

3 Feed my sheep friend with my bread,

Feed my lambs friend, in my stead.

Through my love in you, share my word that’s true

For this word I give now to you.

Through my love in you, share my word that’s true

Share this Bread of Life, I give you.

(These words come from a musical setting written for the Charisma Youth Choir of St Thomas Methodist Church in 1991, entitled “Bread”. It depicts Jesus meeting Peter after the Resurrection.)

Risen Lord, though we have denied you, you know that we love you. 

Show us how to feed the needy ones of your flock.

Alleluia. Christ is risen

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Witnesses to the Resurrection

Station 2 

Glory to you, O Christ:

by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection 

you have brought life and immortality to light.

Jesus assures the Disciple he loved at the tomb 

The one who believed without seeing

1 My heart so broken,

My mind confused, 

His love, devotion

On cross abused.

2 He loved so dearly

So much He cared,

Yet, have they took him;

I fear, I’m scared.

3 We heard how Mary

Saw the Lord

And ran so quickly

To prove her word.

4 I view the mystery

Of empty tomb

The clothes that bound him

On stone floor strewn.

5 I do not see him,

Yet now I know,

He is arisen

My heart’s aglow.

6 Yet lacking knowledge,

I know not how,

But I believe him.

My love avows.

Risen Lord, though we are among those have not seen you, let our hearts dance with love in your Easter presence.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Monday, 18 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Today we start a series of Ten Stations of the Resurrection

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork -  Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

Station 1

Glory to you, O Christ: by your death you have destroyed death and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light.

Jesus appears to Mary of Magdala in the garden  The one who loved Jesus most 

1 They’ve taken him, 

I know not where,

His battered body

Laid with care.

I came today

His form to ‘noint

To dress the scars-

Cruel nail points.

2 “O Gardner, friend

Where has he gone?

Please tell me now

What you have done

With my dear Lord, 

His sacred form,

That lived to bless

Our lives adorn.”

3 “Mary, my child.”

“Rabboni Lord

How can it be

I saw - you died”

I stretched my hand

To reach his own.

“Not yet my child”

His voice intoned.

4 “Go to my friends,

My bothers tell

What you have seen

And all is well.

I must Ascend,

My father see;

Go now sweet friend

Go now I plea.

5 With heart ablaze,

And tears now dried 

I ran and ran

So overjoyed.

I told them all

Of the blessed scene.

The Lord is risen

My eyes have seen.

Risen Lord, though we are separated from those we love and our hearts are weighed with grief, speak to us by name and let us feel the joy of your presence.


Alleluia. Christ is risen He is risen indeed. Alleluia