Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Thursday 28 April 2022

Witnesses to the Risen Christ

Station 10

Glory to you, O Christ:
by your death you have destroyed death

and by your resurrection you have brought life and immortality to light

Jesus appears to Saul of Tarsus

The one who became Apostle to the nations

1 Another road of heart break see

A man intent on bringing hell

Into the lives of Jesus folk.

This Saul of Tarsus, who can tell

What’s in his heart, what moves him so

With cruel vindictive hate to crow.

2 Intent on hate he stumbles falls

And light so forceful to him calls

 Yet in his blindness, hears quite clear.

‘Why me, you persecute, why jeer

With voice outspoken, why you sneer

And want me silenced - do you fear.”

3 “Who are you, Lord,” Saul questions why

“The one you torture Jesus Christ.

Go to the town, get up arise

And there await, the reason why.

You will be told what you should do

Rise up I tell you, walk, now go.”

4 The men with Saul amazed guide him

To city street and three days dim,

No sight of eye nor light of day

Brings him relief or sunshine’s ray.

Yet in that darkness comes new sight

Far brighter than the brightest light.

5 Lord in my darkness, may I see

The blessing of your royal decree

Of dying, death and resurrection 

Of Easter glory’s sweet reflection.

Lord, when I fall help me to know

And show the way that I should go.

Risen Lord, though we have fled from you a hundred times and caused pain to those who love you – lead us into the city where we will find you and open our eyes to the glory of your presence.

Alleluia. Christ is risen 

He is risen indeed. Alleluia

© 2020 Liturgy by Rev’d Norman Wallwork - Verse and Artwork by  Rev’d Paul Collings

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