Do you recall how after the day of Pentecost, Peter was at the gate of the temple where a paralysed beggar called out for alms. But Peter's response was worth more to that man than all the riches of the world. Do you remember what Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (Acts 3:6)
This text speaks of a treasure of a completely different dimension.
There is a story of a young novice visiting the Vatican in the middle ages and being shown the treasury with its vastly accumulated riches. It is alleged that the custodian of the treasury said to the young visitor, “no longer can the church say, silver and gold have I none!” To which the novice replied, “Ah, but can it still say, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk?”
In 2015, Denzel Washington was invited to address the undergraduates at Dillard University, this is what he said, “Put God first. Put God first in everything you do. Everything that you think you see in me. Everything that I’ve accomplished, everything that you think I have – and I have a few things. Everything that I have is by the grace of God.”
He concluded his address by saying, “Finally, I pray that you put your slippers way under the bed tonight, so that when you wake up in the morning you have to get on your knees to reach them. [Applause] And while you’re down there, say thank you for grace, thank you for mercy, thank you for understanding, thank you for wisdom, thank you for parents, thank you for love, thank you for kindness, thank you for humility, thank you for peace, thank you for prosperity. Say thank you in advance for what’s already yours.
So that’s how I live my life, that’s why – [where I am today]. Say thank you in advance for what is already yours.
What was it that Isaac Watts wrote when he considered the Cross of Christ? “…my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.” Concluding with “Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. Now that’s a rich treasure!