Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

1. Joseph in the Well

Locked Down but Not Out

Reflections on Grace when facing  Dark Times. 

Genesis 37:18-20 Now as soon as they saw him approaching from a distance, before he arrived they plotted together to kill him. “Look!” they said. “Here comes the Dream Master! Come on! Let’s kill him and toss him into one of the cisterns. Then we’ll report that some wild animal devoured him and wait to see what becomes of his dreams!”

“Where are you Lord”, poor Joseph Cries
“Why left I here, destined to die?”
“Where my kinsfolk, my brothers ten?”
“Shall rescue come? Where freedom, when.?”

Deep in that cistern of despair
As if within a lions lair,
This boy, this son, grieves now for life
As fate’s deep anguish cuts as knife 
Into his soon poor lifeless heart
And there to die, all breath depart?

And then a rescue; is it sham?
His life seems still to be so dammed,
As from his desert cell he finds
A prison, of some other kind.
And there as slave he must remain
No freedom, or release to gain.

I pray for prisoners of all kind
Who freedom or release can’t find.
 Desperate their cells, hate locks their door
As sorrow’s tears fall to the floor.

Does gospel mandate still declare
Release to captives, this my prayer.
Lord, if my bed in hell I make
Will you there stay, nor me forsake.
Lord, who knows the depths of grief
Bring now your balm of sweet relief.

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