Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Bible Snapshots

Paul’s next letter confronts the Galatians for relying on the laws of Torah (especially circumcision) to ensure they belonged as members of God’s family. He calls this a “different Gospel” because, since the beginning, the real good news has never been about earning an entrance into God’s family.

To prove this, Paul points back to Abraham as a prime example, reminding readers that Abraham never earned his right relationship with God. Instead, he believed and trusted God’s promise that one day, all nations would find God’s blessing through him and his descendants. God’s plan has always been to have a family of people who relate to him on the basis of trust, not the Law. The Law, as good as it is, does not provide the power to change—what the Law cannot do, Jesus fully accomplishes.

Through Jesus, the promised offspring of Abraham, God’s blessing comes to all nations. His blessing releases his Spirit to all those who trust Jesus, and his Spirit invites and empowers all humanity to live a new life of love in his family. Followers of Jesus are called to cultivate this new life, but they are not required to be circumcised or keep Jewish customs. Paul says that what really matters is God’s new creation, the family of people who trust in Jesus and learn to love God and others through the power of the Spirit.

The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for his fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini’s orchestras was particularly vexed by the maestro’s habit of throwing valuable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watching closely, the librarian observed that Toscanini’s first act when enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it. If the baton snapped, Toscanini usually calmed down and rehearsal continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.

The librarian’s solution? He made sure the conductor had a generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!

Paul’s solution was that as followers of Christ the should bear the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

Someone has tabulated the fruit of the Spirit in this way.

Joy - Lover in Jubilation; Peace - Love in Repose; Long-suffering - Love on Trial; Gentleness - Love in Society; Goodness - Love in Action; Faith - Love in Endurance; Meekness - Love at School; Temperance - Love in Discipline. So we pray…

Lord, we would grow with you

and bring forth fruit

that is pleasing to you

fed by your living water

giving sustenance to others

Lord, we would grow with you 

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