Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Monday 29 July 2024

Bible Snapshots

In Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians, we discover that after  a painful visit, he writes an open letter with a message of forgiveness for the church at Corinth. He makes it clear that he is committed to them and building on his message of unity through the Gospel from his first letter. 

Paul continues to address some of the church’s challenges raised in the first letter and encourages them to embrace the humble life of Jesus, the paradox of the cross that requires humility and servanthood instead of wealth and status.

Paul’s message to the Corinthians encourages them to live in a new way, embracing the cruciform life of Jesus. Through the cross and resurrection, Jesus’ followers can live differently and model generosity, humility, and weakness. 2 Corinthians is a letter about living in a totally counter-cultural way as we seek to live like Jesus did.

At the Army Training Camp at Fort Dix, New Jersey, there is a large box at the entrance with a large hole on top. Here, you may drop in that box, without fear, any illegal substance—drugs, alcohol, knives, guns,—and begin a new life in the army. But, if you keep them and are caught, you are held accountable.

Newness of life supposes newness of heart. Walking in Scripture stands for the course and character of one’s life, which must be new. Walk by new rules, towards new ends, from new principles. Make new choices of direction. Choose new paths to walk in, new leaders to walk after, new companions to walk with. “Old things should pass away, and all things become new. 

This newness is to be alive to God through Christ. To converse with God, to have a regard for Him, a delight in Him, a concern for Him: This is to be alive to God.

Renewing Creator and Ruler of the Earth,

we lift up our voices, our eyes, our hearts,

our lives to You in praise.

Make us Your alleluia people.

Uphold the weary,

for whom praise may be very difficult.

Humble the strong, for whom "alleluia" may be too easy.

Creator and Ruler of the Earth,

continue to form us into Your new creation,

that we might welcome You to more fully become

 the ruler of our hearts and minds.

Through Him who came as a servant,

and who now reigns over all creation,

Jesus, our Christ. Amen.


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