“From the day of Pentecost until the present time, it has been necessary to be of one accord in prayer before the Spirit of God will work with mighty converting power.” Writes John Mott
The concept of being in one accord is expressed frequently in the Bible, with ten instances in the book of Acts. For example, “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers” (Acts 1:14, ESV). To be in one accord communicates being one in heart and mind.
More specifically, the words in the original language convey the inner unity (oneness of heart and mind) of a group of people engaged in a similar action. As such, the expression is sometimes rendered “with one mind,” as in Romans 15:6: “So that you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one mind and one voice”
Regrettably, all to often, the expected harmony within the church has been more akin to discord a dissonance. Jesus had a particular way of define this as he prays
Jesus draws us into life so that we may give witness. In this oneness we are called to accept the nourishment that we need for our spirits, prayerfully considering the ways in which we are called to witness.
What Jesus asks for us is what he sought for himself: unity with God. As we are invited into this relationship, may we consider what it might cost us and ask for the freedom we need. Jesus wants his disciples to live in such a way that the work of God is evident in them. Today, let us think of how we live and we name the help we need.
Father of all who live in the Spirit,
you have brought unity through your Son Jesus Christ:
help all who profess his name to show in their lives,
in their worship,
and their evangelism
that oneness which springs from the truth
as it is found in Jesus,
and fill your church with the desire
both to seek and find that unity
throughout the world; in his name. Amen.
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