2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
Moving about in the darkness is not a very exhilarating experience as we feel our way along and taking care not bump into things of trip over. It is almost a walk of faith in the darkness.
Here in our text for today is Paul taking about a different kind of sight a kind of internalised faith vision. So what is this Faith Vision?
When God gives us a faith vision, something inside us begins to change.
It consumes our thoughts, every move we make we dwell on the burden.
• Faith Vision points us in a direction.
• Faith Vision gives us an opportunity to become more than you already are.
• Faith Vision means that we are not living life merely for yourself.
• Faith Vision has a self-fulfilling destiny when it is connected with God.
• Faith Vision will wake us up in the middle of the night calling out to us.
- We will not be able to get away from Faith Vision because it will pursue us.
Martin Luther said: "Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible. Then, it accepts the impossible, does without the indispensable and bears the intolerable."
In his 80s, William Booth’s work began to be hindered by blindness. He briefly lost his sight and then recovered it, but later he lost his vision permanently. His son Bramwell came to bring him the bad news that he would never see again. Booth replied, “God must know best, Bramwell. I have done what I could for God and the people with my eyes. Now I shall do what I can for God and the people without my eyes.”
One hymn writer put it this way:-
When we cannot see our way,
Let us trust and still obey;
He who bids us forward go,
Cannot fail the way to show.
Though the sea be deep and wide,
Though a passage seem denied,
Fearless let us still proceed,
Since the Lord vouchsafes to lead.
Though it be the gloom of night,
Though we see no ray of light,
Since the Lord himself is there,
‘Tis not meet that we should fear.
Night with him is never night,
Where he is, there all is light;
When he calls us, why delay?
They are happy who obey.
Be it ours, then, while we’re here,
Him to follow without fear,
Where he calls us, there to go,
What he bids us, that to do.
Thomas Kelly
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