Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Walking with God

Ephesians 5:2 ESV And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

What kind of walker are you? Are you a brisk walker set on getting to your destination in the most efficient way. Or are you an ambler, someone who likes to take in the scenery along the way and enjoy each moment.

Your gait is your walking pattern. It is the acutely identifiable style in which you and only you move across the surface of this planet.

A gait is divided into specific movements called step cycles, also known as the gait cycle. 

There is also a spiritual gait the the writer to the Ephesians frames in the words the walk of love.

We have all seen the toddler hobbling around in their parents shoes and the delight on their faces as they imitate mum or dad. It can be difficult to walk in someone else’s shoes. But here the shoes that are on offer to the follower of Christ are his shoes of love.

The story is told of Mahatma Gandhi who while stepping aboard a train lost one of his shoes. Being unable to retrieve it, as the train was already moving, Gandhi calmly took off his other shoe and threw it back along the track to land close to the first. Asked by a fellow passenger why he would do such a thing Gandhi smiled and said: “The poor man who finds the shoe lying on the track will now have a pair he can use.” Now isn’t that walking in Christy love.

One winter day, a little boy in Alabama was standing on a grate next to a bakery trying to keep his shoeless feet warm. A woman passing by saw the frosty-toed child and her heart ached. He had on only a light-weight jacket and no shoes and the air was chill, the wind sharp. “Where are your shoes, young man?” she asked.

The boy reluctantly admitted he simply didn't have any.

“Why don't you come with me and we'll see what we can do about that?” the woman said. Taking his hand, she led him into a nearby department store and bought him a new pair of shoes and a warm jacket.

When they came back out onto the street, the little boy was so excited that he immediately started to run off to show his family his gifts. Suddenly he halted, turned around and ran back to the woman. He thanked her and then hesitated, “Ma'am, could I ask you a question? Ma'am, are you God's wife?”

The woman smiled and said, “Oh no, I'm not God's wife, just one of God's children.”

The little boy grinned and nodded enthusiastically, “I knew it! I just knew you were related!” When we step into God’s shoes and walk in the Spirit, others, just like the little boy from Alabama, will know that we are related to God. They will know us by our love! 

Father God, more than anything else, I want to know You. I want to spend time with You, share my life with You and be in constant fellowship with You. As I commit my time to You, I pray that You reveal Your presence and love to me each and every day. You are Love and You have put Your love in my heart. Amen-

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