Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Saturday 8 October 2022

Discipleship - Faith

John 12:44 “Jesus cried aloud, “Every man who believes in me, is believing in the one who sent me”

Lee Camp, in his book Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World, writes “Jesus of Nazareth always comes asking disciples to follow him--not merely "accept him," not merely "believe in him," not merely "worship him," but to follow him: one either follows Christ, or one does not. There is no compartmentalisation of the faith, no realm, no sphere, no business, no politic in which the lordship of Christ will be excluded. We either make him Lord of all lords, or we deny him as Lord of any.” 

A missionary society wrote to David Livingstone and asked, "Have you found a good road to where you are? If so, we want to know how to send other men to join you." Livingstone wrote back, "If you have men who will come only if they know there is a good road, I don't want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all." 

This begs the question of the would be disciple, how committed am I?

A hymn by the Rev’d Nick Fawcett asks additional questions….

Lord, there are times when I have to ask, ‘What?’ –
times when your love is not easy to spot.
What is life’s purpose and what of me here?’
Grant me some answers, Lord, make your will clear.

Lord, there are times when I have to ask, ‘How?’ –
times when what’s preached doesn’t square with life now.
Wrestling with doubt I ask, ‘How can this be?’
Grant me some answers, Lord, help me to see.

Lord, there are times when the questions run fast –
times when I fear that my faith may not last.
Help me, support me, Lord, help me get through.
Lead me through darkness till light shines anew. Amen

Words by Rev’d Nick Fawcett © Words & Music: 2004 Kevin Mayhew Ltd

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