Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

About Us

We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Doors and Gateways

St Anthony Light, Falmouth Estuary by Paul Collings

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Have you ever been in a truly dark place? Many years ago, I remember whilst visiting Kent’s Caverns that the guide switch out the lights and I experienced complete darkness  where even a single move could could be dangerous?

We live in a spiritually dark world where our souls are often in peril. In this section of Psalm 119 the psalmist declares that God’s Word is a light for our path for living in this dark world.

The psalmist vows to use God’s Word to shine a light on his path. He’s not suggesting that God’s Word shines a light on the future, as if he could sneak a peek into events that would take place tomorrow or next year. He is saying that God’s Word helps him to understand right from wrong as he faces choices today. He is saying God’s Word teaches the meaning of obedience so that he can live confidently for God in his world each day.

Like the psalmist, we too need God’s Word to guide our steps. Only God’s Word can correctly inform us about the meaning of right and wrong. And the truth is, the more deeply steeped we are in God’s Word, the more clearly we can discern right from wrong and choose the right path.

In some places you walk today, you may need a flashlight. But in every place you go, you will need God’s Word as a lamp for your feet and a light for your path.

Secure our steps, O God—

on rough terrain, 

on shifting sands,

on fine, wide roads,

on narrow paths.

Make our footsteps firm.

Secure our steps, O God—

in the boardroom,

at the water cooler,

in the school yard,

in the checkout line.

Make our footsteps firm.

Secure our steps, O God—

chasing after deadlines,

trailing after toddlers,

scrambling toward the finish line,

clamouring for security.

Make our footsteps firm.

Secure our steps, O God—

pacing through hospitals,

wandering through the hurt,

tripping over the unforeseen,

meandering through the grief.

Make our footsteps firm.


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