Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Advent Adventure

Fly Tipping on the Roadside

There has been a huge spike in fly-tipping in some parts of the UK during the coronavirus lockdown. The Countryside Alliance reports a 300% rise in fly-tipping in some areas after local authorities closed recycling centres amid the Covid-19 crisis. This lack of community care is not only unsightly but can be a danger to those who travel down the lanes and byways. 

So often, it is the selfishness of the few that impinges upon those who are without voice. Those who deposit rubbish on the pilgrim path others. The words of Ezekiel 34:4 reveal such actions.  “The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them.”

The question is, are we complicit in dumping our rubbish in the way of others, causing them to loose their sense of direction on the Pilgrim way.

Isaiah 11:1-4 says ‘On him the spirit of the Lord will rest: a spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and power.... with justice he will judge the poor and defend the humble in the land with equity.’ (REB)

This combination of spiritual giftedness and deep sensitivity for those in greatest need brings about an environment of peace, symbolised by normally hostile animals lying down together in harmony. The sign that true justice prevails is the presence of enduring peace and harmony. The notion of the environment having a spiritual emphasis should awaken in us a desire not to harm the inner as well as the outer environs.

Lord we pray for an end to the waste and desecration of God's creation. For access to the fruits of creation to be shared equally among all people and for communities and nations to find sustenance in the fruits of the earth and the water God has given us.

Loving Lord, you created the world and gave it into our care so that, in obedience to you, we might serve all people. Inspire us to use the riches of creation with wisdom, and to ensure that their blessings are shared by all; that, trusting in your bounty, all people may be empowered to seek freedom from poverty, famine, and oppression. Amen

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