Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Wednesday 15 July 2020

Psalms for today 16 - Psalm 145 Gracious and Merciful God

Psalm 145:8 

The Lord is gracious and compassionate,

   slow to anger and rich in love.

Find today’s instrumental reflection here.

Daily reflections in Verse, Music and Artwork by Rev’d Paul Collings

Dear loving Lord, how can it be 

That graciously you reach my soul

With love so rich you have for me;

As with compassion you unroll

In selfless actions life to free,

Your perfect plan to make me whole?

Though I frustrate your perfect will

And hide my eyes from your good grace;

Though I attempt to thwart, to kill

Your purpose here and e’en erase 

Your kindly gift you come to fill;

As You respond, with gentle face.

My actions whilst in human terms

Would anger cause, there rage to brew,

You come to me and there confirm

Your name is love,  where you renew

My sight, my life and reaffirm

That by your grace you change my view.

Lord, may I come to you again

And in your open hand embrace

As patiently you tend and train

My heart and mind so I can trace

Your holiness and there obtain

The perfect peace of sacred space.

“God's wrath, properly, is an aspect of his love: it is because God loves human beings with a steady, unquenchable passion that he hated Apartheid, that he hates torture and cluster bombs, that he loathes slavery, that his wrath is relentless against the rich who oppress the poor. If God was not wrathful against these and so many other distortions of our human vocation, he is not loving. And it is his love, determining to deal with that nasty, insidious, vicious, soul-destroying evil, that causes him to send his only, special son.” 

N T Wright

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