One of the underlying basic desires of the disciple is live within the peace of God that passes all understanding. Paul writing to the Romans spoke of this unique peace found in Jesus Christ, “Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ... For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” Romans 5:1, 10
It's possible to have a great sense of peace while sitting in a quiet church, or watching a sunset, or listening to music. But such an experience may have nothing whatever to do with the peace of God, for the peace of God is only possible for those who have peace with God.
In the natural course of events, we do not have peace with God. Why? Because the problem of our broken relationship with God is so serious that it could only be solved through Christ's death on the cross. The old hymn expresses it well:
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
Picking up on my rereading of Rev’d David Watson’s I referred to yesterday, I read of how he once visited a prison and met a man who had been consumed with bitterness, resentment and hatred against the prison officers, the police, society - everyone. He was always causing trouble. Several times he had tried to commit suicide.
On one of these occasions, he really believed he was dying and in that moment he cried out to Jesus for help and forgiveness.
The result was that there in the prison hospital he found peace with God and began to experience the peace of God. David found it hard to believe that he had once been one of the worst prisoners in that jail, because he was so full of peace and love and gentleness.
Christ Jesus,
We are at times like strangers on this Earth
when faced with the suffering
of so many innocent people.
But – like on the morning of your resurrection –
you come to us and say to us:
“Peace be with you.”
Enable us to believe in your presence,
this hidden treasure.
You send us out, then,
to communicate your Peace.
It renews the face of the Earth.
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