The 3rd in our series of conversations between Jesus and Simon Peter, we find Peter asking, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus replied, “You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Peter couldn’t accept the fact that Jesus was performing an act that slaves were supposed to do. Therefore, he objected strongly: “No, you shall never wash my feet.” But Jesus told him that unless he washed him, Peter had no part with him. Now Peter is all responsive. He said: “Then, Lord, not just my feet but my hands and my head as well.”
Let us look at the simplest lesson here. There are many things we don’t understand about God’s dealing with us. Sometimes we put up resistance. Yet isn’t it wise to be responsive to God when he deals with us gently but firmly?
The Upper Room celebrates deep signs of the mystery of God's love. In the washing of the feet and the giving of his body and blood, we find signs of Jesus' service and love. His invitation is to allow him serve us, and to receive his body and blood.
Maybe in prayer today you can imagine him washing your feet, allowing this intimacy as he touches you in service and care. He wants to be close to you like this. His invitation is that we be as open to him in love as he is to us. We have all been recipients of service in our lives.
Maybe in prayer today, give thanks for the service of anyone who has brought us close to God. Engage them in your memory; allow your heart be enlarged in thanks to them and to God whose love works with and through them.
Blessed are you, Lord God.
The basin and the towel are signs to us of your Son’s servanthood.
You have made us partakers of Christ and of one another.
As we go forth, give us grace
to count others more important than ourselves,
to love our enemies,
to make peace.
Send the Spirit of truth to keep alive in us
what Jesus taught and did,
that our words may carry his good news, and
that our lives may bear the shape of the cross
of the One who lives and reigns with You
and with the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever. Amen.
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