Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

About Us

We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Daily Devotions

Some of Jesus conversations with his disciples were example of ‘Tough Love’. This was the case with Peter on at least 6 occasions. 

Today we focus on the occasion when Jesus commissioned Peter with the words, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas (which, when translated, is Peter) (John 1:42).” Have you ever considered Jesus looking at you in the same way? He sees what you can be. There are divine possibilities in your life that he alone sees and he believes in you even when you look ordinary on the outside.

When Jesus saw Peter the first time, he was just an ordinary fisherman by the Sea of Galilee. This man was impulsive; he could act without thought. He was brave and courageous but also someone who followed Jesus at a distance, particularly immediately after the arrest of Jesus. Yet , in this initial encounter, Jesus saw in Peter a “rock.”

Bernard Shaw played the "What If" game shortly before he died. "Mr. Shaw," asked a reporter, "if you could live your life over and be anybody you've know, or any person from history, who would you be?"

"I would choose," replied Shaw "to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been, but never was."

When you look into the mirror you see a person who has many flaws. When others look at you they see who you are on the outside. But when Jesus looks at you, he sees what you can become in him. He sees your hidden potential. And he points that out to you.

Dear Lord Jesus, 
help us to respond to your invitation 

‘to come and see’.  
May there be a curiosity 

about what we might find, 
with new insights about you, 

ourselves and those we called to serve.
Help us to see discipleship as a journey 

of learning and discovery,
as you call us and send us out 

with the invitation to ‘come and see’ 
on our lips and in our hearts.
For your name’s sake,   Amen

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