I recently read an article that included this paragraph, “If we listen in the stillness till our hearts begin to respond to what we are thinking and feeling about the matter in question, whether it concerns ourselves or others, we can, from that moment, begin praying downwards from the Throne, instead of praying upwards from ourselves.”
The Psalmist in 107:29-30 paints a wonderful word picture, “He stilled the storm to a whisper—the waves were hushed. They were glad when it became calm, and He led them to their desired haven.”
Perhaps one of the issues that the would be disciple faces of, having said their prayers and rounded it off with an "Amen", we so often run away before God has a chance to reply. Listening to God is far more important than giving God our ideas. Is it because we are scared of the silence or possibly afraid of what God might want of us?
A father had a problem with one of his daughters, who was very shy and quiet; unable to express herself outwardly. The rest of the outgoing family were puzzled, bewildered and confused couldn’t understand her. One day, the father gave his quiet little daughter a present of elegant little glass elephant on a gold chain, to put around her neck.
He put it down on the table in front of her and said, "I’ve brought you this present." She was overwhelmed as she stared at this beautiful thing. She sat there for several minutes, staring at this thing, unable to speak. Then she got up and went into the other room to try to tell her mother what had happened.
When she came back she was thunderstruck because she saw her beautiful little elephant dangling from her sister’s neck. The father said, in a kind of offhanded way, "Well, you didn’t want it so I gave it to your sister." Didn’t want it? He wasn’t listening! He wasn’t listening to the joy of her silence.
Whispering God, who longs for us to hear your voice, and waits in the sheer silence for us to recognise your presence, meet me in this quiet moment. Silent my loud, tumultuous thoughts, and grant my brain rest. Help me let go of my distractions, and my desire to be distracted, to simply sit here with you. And, as the silence unsettles my spirit, let the waves of your peace and presence wash over me. Amen.
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