Listening God’s way helps us enter and to step into another person's world.
Loving God and loving others happens best and most effectively in relationship. Many folk today love to vent their ‘truth’ for all to hear on the bullhorn of the internet, but rarely will those divisive opinions cause real change or transformation in the lives of others.
More often, such mishearing and speaking causes more hurt and division. To be a true disciple o Jesus, to pursue unity with others, and to love our neighbour well, we have to take time to be in one another’s lives. That means less of being keyboard warriors and more of being the person who calls, goes for a walk, volunteers in their schools, and leads in the workplace. If we want our good theology to influence a broken world around us, we have to start with love for the people of our broken world—in and outside of the church.
American Methodist Bishop Will Willimon says, “Christians are those who have dared to listen for a word from the Lord and have heard that word in Jesus Christ.” In Deuteronomy 30:20: such hearing is expressed as "Love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him." Such love, supremely seen in Jesus, was manifest in the way he entered the everyday lives of ordinary people and listened. Jesus modelled how to lovingly listen to the people around him. Listening like Jesus affirms people and acknowledges their personhood.
There are numerous times when Jesus stopped on his journeys or even from his preaching, to engage people ~ for example: Zacchaeus, the woman in the synagogue who was stooped over, Nicodemus, and Bartimaeus, the blind beggar who no one really paid much attention and was told to “shush” when Jesus came to town.
For us to listen like Jesus might mean putting away our phones and temporarily ignoring the crowds around us to listen intently to the one person needing to feel heard.
So we pray; Lord, Help me to be quick to listen to other people and not always be the one that wants other people to always listen to me. Help me to listen in love, not only their needs and hopes and fears but to listen to their advice and their opinions. May I be an encouragement to them, someone who lifts up the other person and considers their needs before my own.
Help me to really listen to what they say and not to be waiting for an opportunity for me to discuss my opinions or display my own intelligence. Give me the grace and patience to be a good listener I pray, so that I may demonstrate the love of Jesus to all around me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen