Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

About Us

We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Daily Devotions

We continue the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as we consider what the Nicene Creed says about the Holy Spirit, breath of God

Scripture Readings

  • John 20:19-23 
  • Ezekiel 37:9-14
  • Psalm 104:24-34


The Spirit of God from the beginning has breathed life. Some of our ancient texts help us understand more deeply the work of the Spirit and our invitation to receive the gift of this beloved Advocate.

The Spirit calls us to renew the face of the earth, joining in the work of forgiveness and healing. We cannot live out this call in our own strength, rather we must receive the gift of God’s Spirit within us, just as the disciples gathered in the upper room experienced. Jesus, appearing to the disciples, said: ‘Peace be with you’, and showing them his hands and his side, breathed on them. 

We are called as the Church to keep and nurture unity in Spirit. When we live apart from the Spirit we lose our breath and return to dust, but when we look to Jesus for life and breath, we are recreated for the work of renewal and the co-creation of the dream of God to be made real here and now. “This is the Spirit by virtue of whom is poured out in our hearts the love with which we observe the divine commandments, by loving God and neighbour.” It is our common calling, and common purpose as we are sent into the world.


Swirl of dust moving along the face of the ground,

untameable presence hovering above the water,

flicker of flame and wisp of smoke.


there you are.

Breathing, dancing, tending, challenging, bristling with energy.

By your breath,

your dreams for the world are made into flesh and bone,

animated by your love,

we can be fire dancers, peace breathers and bone shakers.


God, Giver of Life, Light of the World, Breath of Heaven,

the one God three times holy – 

Blessed are you past, present and future.

We confess our common faith in you.

Let us rejoice in the Spirit,

who renews the face of the earth 

and draws us towards unity.

Forgive us when our breath is distasteful.

Enflame us with your Pentecost fire,

to speak the truth of the gospel that brings freedom and life.

Awaken our prayers and give them flesh 

as we work with you, 

to make well and full, 

the whole of creation.


  • Where do you sense the need in your own life for the breath of the Spirit to bring life and wholeness? Pray for God’s breath to revive.
  • Where do we see the Holy Spirit at work, overcoming our divisions and drawing us into deeper unity?
  • God’s Spirit renews the face of the earth every day – in the world around us and beyond us – where do we recognise this to be true and where do we sense a particular need for renewal?

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