Today we start on a series about conversations. Not any conversations, but of those that we find in the bible; particularly with people Jesus encountered.
We start with the moment when Jesus met the Samaritan women. Why not stop for a moment and read the whole incident in John 4:7-42.
Several times, the Samaritan woman seems to resist Jesus words; perhaps she has developed a defensive self-protecting habit. And maybe we should ask God to help us to be open to receive good news from any source through which God may send it to us.
A key turning point in the conversation is when Jesus says, “If only you knew what God is offering.” On reflection, is Jesus yearning for us to become aware of the goodness God has in mind for us? We often view this narrative of the women at the well, but today I am drawn to the perceptive listening Jesus; the way he interacted with this women.
There is an old saying, “People do not care how much we know until they know how much we care.” When we take the time to get to know our neighbours, we are showing them Christ’s love put into action. It is then that God presents an opportunity for us to share our love for Jesus with our neighbours; either in words, through our actions, or both. You see, it all begins with us taking an interest in the lives of the people that we interact with every day.
After all, how can we love our neighbours if we do not know them?
When Jesus was on Earth, He did not isolate Himself. He was out among the people, in their homes, and involved in their lives and listened to their needs.
Openness is essentially the willingness to grow, to develop a distaste for ruts, and eagerly stand on top-toe for a better view of what tomorrow brings. A man once bought a new radio, brought it home, placed it on the refrigerator, plugged it in, turned it to his favourite station, and then pulled all the knobs off! He had already tuned in all he ever wanted or expected to hear.
In today’s world, it can is easy to isolate ourselves and live in our own little bubbles. With advances in technology, we can easily confine ourselves to our own homes and live our own lives without ever getting to know the people in our community.
We pray that we may open our hearts to express our need and humbly receives the blessings of God. Lord, let me do your will; make your way plain for me to follow. (Psalm 5) Like the woman at the well, I am seeking to know your ways more clearly. Help me discern your path for me and know your love in my life. Watch over me and guide me. Amen
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