Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Daily Devotions

We conclude this series on War and Peace with the writing of James 3:17 “But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy.”

Finding his newly appointed minister standing at his study window in the church weeping as he looked over the inner city’s tragic conditions, a layman sought to console him: “Don’t worry. After you’ve been here a while, you’ll get used to it.” The minister responded, “Yes, I know. That’s why I am crying.”

On reading this I am reminded of the. Poet Albert Orsborn’s words.

Except I am moved with compassion,
How dwelleth Thy Spirit in me?
In word and in deed burning love is my need;
I know I can find this in Thee. 

It is our old friend Fred Buechner who says that, “Compassion is the sometimes fatal capacity for feeling what it's like to live inside somebody else's skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.”

Compassion, is what Jesus feels for those who came to him in need. I recently read that our word compassion means literally “to suffer with.” When we see someone languishing in some way, we feel their pain, we suffer with them.

In fact Greek word for compassion is not a fluffy inner feeling it’s it almost feels like a punch in the stomach when you see someone else suffer or struggle.

That’s what Jesus feels when he sees so much suffering all around him. He feels their pain. There’s a sense of urgency. They need help now. It’s this urgency that launches the ministry of Jesus’ disciples. More hands are needed! So he sends them out to bring in this harvest, this harvest of compassion.

Loving Father, I pray that my life is one that demonstrates Your compassionate wisdom from above. May I reflect the pure, gentle, and merciful nature of Jesus as I show forth His life in me. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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