Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Monday 3 June 2024


The Land of Nod

Through the summer months we are going to look for common phrases in the English language that originated from the Bible. 

Our first is the phrase is “ Land of Nod”  a place mentioned in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible, located "on the east of Eden” where Cain was exiled by God after Cain had murdered his brother Abel. According to Genesis 4:16: “And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.”


Over the years being  in the Land of Nod has lost its more sinister connotation of being estranged from God and come to have a seemingly gentler meaning of  being asleep. However in  Cain’s case, we read in a prior verses, that Cain has murdered his brother and received God's punishment. The penalty,  a loss of his ability to farm, and exile from his family. After receiving God's promise to take vengeance on anyone who would kill him, Cain leaves. Specifically, he leaves God's presence.

We sometimes talk of sleep walking into situations;  meaning to act without paying  attention to what we are doing, or without thinking carefully about what might happen. In Cain’s case another modern twist that seems to fit the Genesis episode, where “a red mist”  descended over Cains inner and outward eyes. Red mist refers to a fit of extreme anger that can temporarily cloud judgement.

Often, our emotions are like an iceberg; 80% or so of which lies beneath the water. It is what you don't see that often is the most dangerous. This is why people often explode. This why people surprise us the way they do. They keep things hidden away from others, from themselves, and from God.

In the letter of James we find some wise words. “ In view of what he has made us then, dear sisters and brothers, let every one be quick to listen but slow to use their tongues, and slow to lose their temper. For our temper is never the means of achieving God’s true goodness.” 1 James 1:19-20 adapted)

Dear Father, I still my heart, my mind and my body before you. As I focus on you, on your love, on your truth, and on your promises I turn from the things that trouble me. I take each trigger for anxiety and lay it at your feet. I choose to hear songs of praise and allow my heart to breathe. I choose to wait for your Holy Spirit to stir my soul. I rest here knowing that whatever I face, you can hold me safe. Amen.

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