Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Tuesday 14 May 2024

The work of the Spirit is to guide us into all truth

The work of the Spirit is to guide us into all truth - John 8:30-32 Then many of the Jewish leaders who heard him say these things began believing him to be the Messiah.

Jesus said to them, “You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to,  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Today’s culture may tell us that truth is relative, or that each person can make up their own truth. However, the Bible tells us that there is only one truth, and it comes from God.

But did you notice that in a sense, truth is mentioned 3 times in this part of John’s Gospel. Firstly truth becomes evident when our devotion to Christ is expressed in our whole-hearted discipleship. Someone defined discipleship as “the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you.” And who is Jesus; none other than  “the Way—yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me.”

There is an historical prayer that has the line, “O God, who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom…”

Everybody longs for freedom. But for many people its pursuit leads to bondage. A bird is free in the air. Place a bird in the water and liberty is lost. A fish is free in the water, but leave him on the and they perishes. They are out of their realm. So the disciple is free when they do the will of God and are obedient to God’s leading. This is as natural a realm for Christ’s disciple as the water is for the fish, or the air for the bird.

Wise King Solomon urged his son to understand that true freedom is possible only within the sphere of God-centred living, for which He created us. So it is for the disciple guided into all truth by the Holy Spirit.

Dear Lord,
Teach me to do your will. I know you’ve called me to serve you, but sometimes I don’t know what to do next. I want to be led by the Holy Spirit, so I can live out the special purpose you have for me. I seek you today, Father. Let your good Spirit guide me. Amen

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