Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Monday, 8 April 2024

Resurrection Strength

Death came into the world because of what one man (Adam) did, and it is because of what this other man (Christ) has done that now there is the resurrection from the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:21

Barriers such as walls, fences, and locked doors can serve to protect us. Or, on the other hand, they can also exclude us or keep us out. Maybe you know what it feels like to be “locked out.” We can be locked out of a room, prevented from access to education or career advancement, or banned from a social group. Being locked out can be hurtful.

Mark Batterson writes: ‘Sometimes a closed door is the very thing that gets us where God wants us to go. I’ve come to think of closed doors as divine detours. And while our failed plans can be incredibly discouraging and disorienting, God often uses the things that seem to be taking us off our course to keep us on His course. (…) If you feel like you are stuck in a [rut], here’s my advice: give Jesus complete editorial control over your life. You have to quit trying to write your own story.’

The death of Jesus clearly disorientated the disciples where as the Resurrection reorientated their  lives and unlocks a door for future ministry.

There is a small metal door painted white in the side of a tiny mission church in Johannesburg South Africa. This door is changing lives. On it are painted the words “door of hope.” That is exactly what it is for various babies within the city. On average some forty to fifty babies were being abandoned on the streets to die of exposure or starvation each month. That was before the mission installed their door to a baby bin allowing mothers to anonymously deposit their unwanted babies and have someone love them and care for them. Now the mission is saving over 100 babies a year. What an incredible door.

I know of another incredible door that takes in the unwanted, saves lives and brings hope. That’s the unlocked door of  resurrection love.

Father, you are the God of open doors. Through Christ you open doors that no one can shut and you shut doors that no one can open. I thank you for opening the door to resurrection life, healing and wholeness. Today I pray that for opening the door of my understanding and fully enter your presence of your gracious forgiveness. Amen 

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