This third week of Advent we consider the theme of ‘Pointing to the Light’. There’s a pithy observation often repeated in the writings of the medieval church: per crucem ad lucem, “through the cross to the light”. God loves us passionately and wants to bring us joy and for us to flourish, but this doesn’t preclude a cross. God’s love is refracted through the cross, which often makes it hard to see or recognise. But if we are to learn to trust—to place the weight of our lives on the love of God—we can only learn this through the cross.
A holiday maker made a visit to a lighthouse, and said to the keeper, “Are you not afraid to live here? It must be a dreadful place to live.”
“No,” replied the keeper, “I am not afraid; we never think of ourselves here.”
“Never think of yourselves! How is that?”
The reply was a good one: “We know that we are perfectly safe, and only think of having our lamps brightly burning, and keeping the reflectors clear, so that those in danger may be saved.”
This is what Christians ought to do. They are safe in a house built on a Rock which cannot be moved by the wildest storm; and in a spirit of holy unselfishness they should let their light gleam across the dark waters of sin, that they who are imperilled may be guided into the harbours of eternal safety.
Jesus speaks to us as his followers in Matthew 5:14, “You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me, and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it.” (The Voice translation)
Each of us is a light for the world because we are enlightened by Jesus, the light of the world. The light within us is not our own, but is a reflection of his light, the light of God. Prayer exposes us to the light, and when we move from the space of prayer into the space of ordinary life, we are more enlightened, in mind and heart. God is light, in him there is no darkness. We are light, though not all is light. The touch of God brings light to more and more of our inner, hidden personality.
You call us to be
your light
in the darkness,
your voice
in the wilderness,
your hope
for the hopeless.
You give us
in our weakness,
and gentleness,
and boldness,
to proclaim
more of you
and of us, less. Amen
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