One of the delights of summer is that of heading to the coast a walking along the seashore. It’s interesting to note how often the location of significant bible events took place on a beach. Take John 21:8-10 where we read, “The rest of us stayed in the boat and pulled the loaded net to the beach, about 300 feet away. When we got there, we saw that a fire was kindled and fish were frying over it, and there was bread.“Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught,” Jesus said. 11 So Simon Peter went out and dragged the net ashore.”
A night of futile fishing leaves empty nets and empty hearts. Jesus takes the initiative and meets them in the early morning light. He invites them to eat: ‘Breakfast is ready!’ There is an abundant table ready - of fish, food, love, warmth, and great joy. Here, fractured relationships are healed.
Jesus is interested in our work and lives and knows what we need. We see this when Peter is encouraged to try again and with Jesus’s intervention, he is overcome with surprise. Not only is Peter's livelihood assured but Jesus also cares about his nutrition needs “Come and have breakfast” and bring some of what you have caught. How simply and sensitively Jesus deals with us! He knows our needs and our hunger. He knows too that we can only manage the revelations of the divine in small portions. I could do well before my daily breakfast to listen to the Lord speaking my name and saying ‘Come and have breakfast.’ Imagine him serving me, if not with bread and fish, perhaps with a muffin and coffee! I begin to notice that through the day he continues to serve me what I need.
We are assured that God is in our midst, involved in our struggles. Deliberately try to leave spaces in your schedule, to allow for interruptions, they may be life’s surprises. Trusting that Jesus knows what we need, allow him to transform and lighten our load and accept his care and attention.
Jesus, you meet me at the water’s edge of my ordinary life. You accept me lovingly, you encourage me, you invite me to abundance. Nourished by the food of your word, warmed by the fire of your unfailing love, may I in turn nourish, heal and love those I meet today. Amen
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