Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Friday 26 May 2023

What does the Spirit say to the churches?

I wonder if we were to ask the same question that the book of Revelations posed to the Devon churches of our church, what answer would we find.

In a musical written by John Gowans he asks the same question in the context of the present age.

Here are the lyrics

What does the Spirit say to the churches? 

What does the Spirit say to you? 

If you have ears then hear from the Spirit, 

Do what the Spirit tells you to!

You love me less than you used to love me, 

I know your strengths and your weakness too; 

Love me again as you used to love me, 

Do once again as you used to do.

You have a wonderful reputation, 

Far and away how your fame has spread! 

True, you are always so very busy, 

No-one would guess that in fact you’re dead!

You are so proud and suppose you’re clever, 

I know you’re neither cold nor hot! 

Luke warm! That’s you and it makes you useless, 

You think you’re rich but you’re not! You’re not!

You are afraid of the Spirit’s leading, 

I set before you an open door, 

No man can shut what the Spirit opens, 

What in the world are you waiting for?

What does the Spirit say? 

What does the Spirit of God say to you? 

There's two huge things we can take away from what the Spirit said to the seven churches; not to forsake our first love, and to persevere through the tough times.

The refrain which Jesus says over and over again through the New Testament is: "He who has an ear, let me him hear what the spirit says to the seven churches.

This is the challenge Jesus lays down, to listen. In our times this is becoming more difficult, surrounded as we are by so much noise, so many different voices calling for our attention. Isn’t it interesting that the word listen contains the same letters as the word silent. Perhaps we should  pray for an open ear and an open heart, for knowing how to seek and find silence in our daily rhythm is surely what it means to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Dear heavenly Father,

Here lam

In your presence.

Speak to me Lord. Fill me with your Spirit

And transform me. Give me the gift of hearing

And obeying your voice. Let me be in tune With your Holy Spirit,

That I may hear his call. Let me not hesitate

Or be afraid, For when the Lord speaks,

His will must be done. Let me listen to

And trust your voice. Teach me to depend

Completely on you. Let me abandon myself, And present myself, As a living sacrifice

To almighty God. All for the glory and honour

Of the King of kings.

Accept my prayer, Oh loving Father, In the name of your beloved Son,

Jesus Christ.


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