Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Saturday, 18 February 2023

Pondering Proverbs

In the same way that iron sharpens iron, a person sharpens the character of their friend. Proverbs 27:17 (The voice)

I am sure that we have all heard of the saying “sparking off each other;” the dictionary defines this as people who are trying to achieve something together strike sparks off each other, they react to each other in a very exciting or creative way. But as with all of the Proverbs there seems to be two sides to each proverbial coin.

Anyone who has worked within an educational environment will have witnessed an incidental playground when and altercation has given rise to the outcry, “He said so and so, but she said….”

Most thinkers believe this statement regarding iron sharpening iron relates to having a good friend, honesty that improves one’s character and calls out sin in a loving way; though there are those who believe it refers to someone who brings down another, and argue it is a negative statement.

Either way, the phrase "iron sharpens iron" from Proverbs 27:17 highlights the important truth that people affect one another, words and actions define relationships for better or worse, and they change people, so people need to act accordingly. 

One day a farmer grabbed his shot gun to shoot at a flock of pesky crows. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his sociable parrot that had joined the crows. After firing a few shots, he walked over to the fallen birds and was surprised to find his parrot badly ruffled with a broken wing. When the farmer’s children saw the injured bird, they asked, “Dad, what happened?” The farmer simply replied, “Bad company.”

Scripture often warns us to avoid harmful influences. Regardless of our age or spiritual strength, over time, unwise influences will negatively affect our walk with the Lord. Do we adversely affect uses others and wrongly influences their ability to accomplish their goal.

Dear Lord, teach me to love others the way you first loved me. As I build relationships with others, let them see you in the extent of my generosity, the authenticity of my kindness, and the depths of my love. All of those things are only possible through you, the God who abides with me and calls me friend. Amen.

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