Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Friday, 10 December 2021

Excerpts from Becky Lovatt’s Books - Beyond the Chocolate Window

The Voice of Jonah

I am not a prophet nor a ‘man of God’. When I heard God calling out to me, I ran in the opposite direction! My name is Jonah, and my story is very well known. I was the one who was swallowed whole by a giant fish.

I was minding my own business one afternoon, when a messenger of God showed up with a job for me. “God wants you to go to the city of Nineveh,” I was told, “and get the people there to repent and turn back to him.” What a joke!

“Why do you not go yourself?” I challenged him. “I’ll tell you why: because Nineveh is a dark and horrible place. No one there cares about God, and if I would rock up there with a message like this, I would certainly not come out alive. If God wants someone to go to Nineveh, he can find someone else. You go!”

I was clear on that. So clear, in fact, that I boarded a boat bound for a port on the other side of the known world. There I found a quiet space below deck and fell asleep. Becoming an agent for God was the last item on my agenda right now — if it was on my agenda at all...

My escape had not gone unnoticed. Before too long, the boat began to pitch in the growing swell of waves. The wind howled, and the rain began to lash upon the wooden decks.

I was woken by men in panic. “Get up!” I was told. “Start praying. Maybe your God can save us from certain death at the hands of this storm.”

I knew the weather conditions were probably down to me. I had angered God, and I decided that the only way out was for me to throw myself on his mercy. I ordered the sailors to cast me overboard and I waited on his grace.

Indeed, the winds stilled and the waves hushed, and suddenly I was face to face with a massive fish. It opened its mouth and swallowed me whole. I expected to die...

Yet, there I lay, dishevelled but alive, decomposing food, muscle and bone. For three in the gut of a fish, among days. The smell was horrendous and I often choked for air, but one thing is for certain: it concentrated my mind! My prayer there was heartfelt; I willingly

recommitted myself to my God and to his service.

Eventually, the fish spat me out.

Then, once again, God called. This time, there was no more running. I was Nineveh-bound.

I walked through the city, where evil was displayed on every corner. I shared my message and waited for the fallout of God’s judgement — but it didn’t come. The people repented, offered prayers, put on sackcloth and ashes (a sign of deep sadness), fasted and gave themselves to God. I was amazed, but my surprise changed to anger as God announced his forgiveness.

I demonstrated my frustration, but God was unfazed by my anger. In his mercy, he again welcomed me into his presence.

God of the big fish,

help me to focus on you and

to put my trust in your love, mercy and forgiveness.

Help me to forgive those around me,

just as I am forgiven by you.

I recommit myself to you,

to be the child of God you are calling me to be,

in the name of Jesus Christ.


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