Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Excerpts from Becky Lovatt’s Book - Beyond the Chocolate Window

Voice of Joseph

My name is Joseph, and I discovered first-hand that the best-laid plans of man or beast do not always sit well with the plans of God.

I was a respectable carpenter. I had a good business, and I was not short of money either. I came from good stock, and I was engaged to Mary, a good and decent woman, young and beautiful; she would make me a good wife and bear me a son to carry on the family name. My life was all mapped out — or so I thought...

She stood in the doorway, her eyes filled with tears. What was wrong? What secret was she hiding? Was she ill? Had someone died? What was it?

Then she spoke, and as she unburdened herself, my concern turned to violent anger. “Joseph,” she said, “I’m going to have a baby.”

In rage, I throw my cup against the wall. I wanted to strike her, but my honour would not allow me. Instead, I ushered her towards the door. What did she mean, she was going to have a baby?

I loved her and respected her, but this was just too much. She had brought shame upon me and my family, and so she would have to go. I did not want to embarrass her or leave her with nothing, so despite my anger, I prayed that God would show me a kind way to call off the wedding.

I sank into a corner of my workshop, tears rolling down my face. How had it come to this? What a way for it all to end!

Then suddenly, through my tears, I saw a bright light and I was no longer alone. “Joseph,” came a voice, “do not be afraid.”

It was a bit late for that, wasn’t it? I was terrified!

“I am Gabriel, and God has sent me to you. Mary, your fiancée, is pregnant and is going to bear God’s son. Take her to yourself, marry her and call her your own. The God of your ancestors has spoken.”

Sweat ran down my forehead like a river. Mary had told me the truth.

The angel disappeared as quickly as he had come, leaving me alone again. My anger had gone, I was strangely content, and I knew exactly what I had to do.

I went, took Mary as my wife, and raised God’s son as my own. I taught him the skills of a carpenter. In that, at least, he was truly ‘a chip off the old block’.


God of Joseph,

Who asked him to be a human father to your divine son,

draw me closer to you today and fill me with your Spirit.

Help me to walk alongside those who have been betrayed

or who are treated unfairly.

In the name of Christ, I pray.


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