The Voice of Nehemiah
My name is Nehemiah and I am a wine merchant by trade. Although unqualified, I became a high official within the Persian court and was enlisted by God as a master builder. On paper I should never have got the job, but before I knew it I was commissioned to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Years had passed since God’s ungrateful and disobedient people had been scattered to the four ends of the earth. Back then, Jerusalem was destroyed and all hope seemed to be lost. Those believers who were not killed were bound and marched out of the city, banished from their homes, from the Temple and seemingly from God. The God of Israel was still faithful to them though, which is why he now sent me to rebuild not only the walls of Jerusalem, but also his covenant relationship with thepeople.
I went to see for myself: the walls were a mound of rubble, the gates were cinders and the returning exiles were in a bad way. So I cried, fasted and prayed earnestly before God, confessing my sins and the sins of my ancestors. I even dared to remind the Almighty of a promise once made: that he would gather the remnant and rebuild his Temple.
Under the cover of darkness, the building began, but so did the moaning and complaining. The people were hungry, afraid and unsure of God’s provision. I was angry that they could not, or would not, put their trust in him.
I reminded them of their history, beginning with Abraham and Moses, recalling their deliverance from slavery, and more; still, they had gone their own way, chosen selfishness over kindness, and death over life.
We kept on building. Mile by mile, stone by stone, the walls were rebuilt, the doors were re-hung and the gates of the city were secured again.
As the walls grew strong, so did the pressure from our enemies; pressed us harder and those inside the walls wavered again. Nevertheless, God was as strong as his word; I posted guards as instructed and when the trumpet sounded, he fought on our behalf.
A new stage was set. Israel had moved into a fresh phase. Now we waited for God’s salvation to be fully revealed — at his time, in his place and on his command.
God of relationship, help me to work on my relationship with you so that I will be better equipped to build significant relationships with others. Where there is relationship breakdown, help me to forgive and rebuild by leaning on, and trusting in, you.
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