Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Excerpts from Becky Lovatt’s Book - Beyond the Chocolate Window

The Voice of Simeon

Every day I painfully dragged myself to the Temple, wondering if this would be the da y, wondering if the child in front of me was the one who was promised in scripture, the one who would bring salvation to his people.

My name is Simeon, and like many before me and many that will come after me, I am a servant of the God of Israel. I have been all my life and will be until the day I die, which I hope will be soon. I am old, my body is wracked with pain; even breathing is becoming a struggle these days. Yet God, in his goodness, made me a promise years ago that I would not die until I had seen with my own eyes his holy one, the Lord’s anointed, the Messiah.

So, day after day I went to inspect the parents and their children as they brought them to the Temple for God’s blessing, and I waited for a sign that this was the one I waited for. I wasn’t sure what kind of sign I was seeking — a lightning bolt, a choir of angels — but I guessed that  somewhere in the very pit of my stomach I would know.

Then one day it happened. A young mother arrived with her older husband, cradling her baby boy. I knew instinctively without a shadow of doubt that this was the one who had been spoken of for generations, the one whom God himself had chosen.

I took the child in my arms and felt a deep sense of awe; I was holding the realisation of God’s promise. I smiled at his parents but spoke to God‘ “Now, let your servant go in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation.”

To the child’s mother I offered some advice and hard truths. Sadly there was not much comfort to be found in my words. “Your son will see the rise and fall of many in Jerusalem. He will bring hope to his people and joy to those who are willing to receive him. However, your heart will be broken, as his body will be broken. Your dancing will turn to mourning for the good of all humanity.”

At my words, her bright eyes clouded over. She began to cry, as the enormity of the task which lay before her began to sink in. She would be raising the only son of God. l sing

I blessed the boy, although it was he who should have been blessing me. I blessed his earthly parents, encouraging them in all that was to come. Then I handed him back, knowing in that moment that it would not be long before I would meet God face to face. Heaven was calling me home, as my work on earth had now been completed.


God of promise,

help us to believe that you work in and through all things.

Remind us in times when we are experiencing pain —

mentally, physically or spiritually —

that you are with us, holding us up and helping us through.

Help us to share our daily blessings with those around us,

so that all might be blessed by you.


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