Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Sunday 28 November 2021

Through the Chocolate Window by Becky Lovatt

The Voice of Hope 

Read John 8:12-16

Jesus says:

“Do not be afraid. I am the light in the darkness; the voice of hope, in the midst of despair.

“At the beginning of time, as one — Father, Son, and Spirit — we spoke creation into being. God uttered. The Son become the Word that was spoken. And the Spirit of wisdom hovered over the waters.

“In the beginning, there was nothing; chaos ruled, and darkness covered the whole earth. Yet, item by item, day by day, millennium by millennium, life came into existence — breath from breath, bone from bone, being from being. Hope was alive.

I am the gate to the good Pastures; and I am the shepherd who will gather the scattered flock. I am the bread to feed the hungry and the living water of new life. Follow me and be guided by my voice: the voice of hope that will rally the remnants of God’s people; and build a new nation. It will be a nation not built on location or with bricks, but a movement

built on love, where justice and peace are the driving force. I am the for the hopeless, the candle in the darkened room. I offer an invitation into a personal relationship with the Almighty.

“Still, after all these years, after everything — after God became human and lived among his people; after God was hailed as king, then betrayed, rejected, denied and crucified; after he was raised to life, to sit on his rightful throne in glory — even now, the darkness lingers on. The bombs still fall. Brother still raises arms against brother and the blackness of hate still penetrates the light.

“Yet, it does not have to. Shine, light, shine! Do not let the dark claim the victory. Do not allow the hope to be squeezed out. For I am the  light — claim it for yourself and banish the darkness once and for all. 

“Come with me on a journey — a journey of hope and acceptance where you will be valued and claimed as children of God. Come and enter into my new kingdom — a kingdom where I am the king, and where all people are judged as equal, where God is friend and loving father.

“Come and let me light a candle for you. I will be your light, you; peace and your hope.”


Light of the world, shine your light wherever there is darkness in my life; bring hope to the hopeless and joy to all hearts. Help me to be salt and light to those around me and walk in support of all people in their journey with God. Amen.

I am grateful to my Colleague, Deacon Becky Lovatt for permission to use extracts from her Advent Book, “Through the Chocolate Window” . Becky Lovatt is a Methodist deacon living and working in East Devon. She holds a master’s degree in Theology and Ministry and is passionate about reaching out to those on the margins of traditional church. If you would like to purchase your own copy of Becky’s book for £9.99, please get in touch with me

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