Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Excerpts from Becky Lovatt’s Book “Beyond the Chocolate Window”

The Voice of Abraham

What a life I have led! A life of waiting — waiting on God, the author and protector of my life and of my faith. I am old, and I have waited all my days. I am still waiting.

I remember the beginning as if it were yesterday. I wasn’t young then. Some might even say I was ‘over the hill’ to start with. However, God plucked me out of my security and set me on a journey of discovery and hope.

I was spoken to by the God of my youth. “Leave everything,” he said, “your country, your extended family and your father’s home. Leave everything! I will show you a new land. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you and all those you know. Leave everything!”

So, I left. Well, that’s not exactly true. I mumbled and I grumbled, and I tried to do everything in my power to walk away. However, God did not stop. He kept on calling , and I kept on waiting for it all to pass, but it didn’t.

We argued — God and I - but he is God, and there was only ever going to be one winner. So, eventually I left, leaving everything had been instructed to do.

Sarah, my wife, came with me, and my nephew, Lot. We travelled together, waiting every moment on God’s provision. Lot and I began argue. He wanted one thing and I wanted what God wanted. More waiting... for Lot to leave and for my next instruction. 

It came in the form of a promise. God told me not to be afraid; that he would be my shield and my great reward. I was terrified, and every day of waiting played tricks on my mind. He promised I would be the father of a great nation and that my descendants would populate the earth. Yet, how could this be? Sarah couldn’t have children, and with every day that passed, I was getting older.

Years later, some visitors arrived. I welcomed them. Sarah cooked up a storm — and then they broke their news.

“You’re going to have a child,” they said.

You could have knocked me down with a feather - and Sarah, well, she could not contain her laughter.

After more waiting, We did have a son, just as God had said. We named him Isaac, and he grew big and strong. God wanted to test my faithfulness and asked me to sacrifice him — but that’s not my story to tell.

More years of waiting, then I lost Sarah. She was my rock and and confidence. She was called home to be with God, and I was left alone. 

Now I wait for death. My sons have grown and have sons of the own. Thus, the nation that God has promised will come into being nation from which will rise up a great king, equal to God himself, who will rule the kingdom of God as God intended.

Abraham spent his whole life waiting. Advent is about waiting too. How will your prepare to wait for the coming king this year?


God of Abraham,

thank you that you are close to me

as I wait for you to ‘break through’ in my life.

Help me to wait on you with faith and confidence,

and to put my trust in your unfailing love.

Stand with me even as I wait on you.

In the name of Jesus, I ask.


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