Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Thursday 25 November 2021

An ABC of Faith

Jealousy (Today’s illustration is of Rembrandt’s “Return of The Prodigal Son”)

Irish novelist and playwright Samuel Beckett received great recognition for his work--but not every one savoured his accomplishments. Beckett's marriage, in fact, was soured by his wife's jealousy of his growing fame and success as a writer. One day in 1969 his wife Suzanne answered the telephone, listened for a moment, spoke briefly, and hung up. She then turned to Beckett and with a stricken look whispered, "What a catastrophe!" Was it a devastating personal tragedy? No, she had just learned that Beckett had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature!

No wonder Jealousy is included in the list of 7 deadly sins as it has the power to squeeze the life out of living.

Perhaps the greatest teaching of Jesus on the subject of jealousy is found in the parable of the prodigal son. In this parable we clearly see three clear reactions to the wayward son’s homecoming. Firstly the distress of the younger son, suffering hunger in a foreign country, made him long for something better. Deep down he was eager to find true love. He could have decided to be a criminal, as the only way out of his difficulty. But he felt in a big way that he needed the support of someone who loved him.

Secondly we see how the Father shows what mercy really is. His welcoming his son back, as if nothing had happened, is strikingly generous. His total love for his son was creative, giving new life to him.

But then we find the elder son was caught in the justice trap – he wanted justice not mercy. He desired that all things be measured and fair. But he had no idea of the originality and grandeur of forgiving.

Again I turn to Fred Buechner for enlightenment where he says, “ENVY IS THE CONSUMING DESIRE to have everybody else be as unsuccessful as you are.“

The corollary to jealousy is surly following the guidance of Jesus in that we should love our neighbour as ourselves.

Lord Jesus, my sincere desire is to become holy like you. Set me free from anxious thoughts that cause me to become jealous towards others. Please give me the grace to control jealous emotions when they arise. Please teach me how to be happy for my friends and family when they succeed. Purify my mind from ungodly thoughts and help me to walk in the way that is pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

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