Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Friday 12 November 2021

An ABC of Faith


Biblical teaching on honour transcends any particular time and culture. Honouring the Sabbath, marriage, and father and mother reflect God’s eternal character and commandments. These institutions were established at creation, and thus they have enduring significance. Furthermore, biblical commands to honour others do regularly go beyond cultural norms. Paul tells Timothy to “honour widows” in a culture that typically did not (1 Tim. 5:3). He also exhorts Timothy not to let anyone despise his youth in a time and place that honoured elders as examples of wisdom and virtue (4:12).

In fact, the Bible commands Christians to “honour everyone” (1 Peter 2:17) and to “outdo one another in showing honour” (Rom. 12:10). All human beings are made in God’s image and are worthy of honour. As the psalmist writes, God has crowned humanity “with glory and honour” (Ps. 8:5). Significantly, Peter exhorts us, “Honour the emperor” (1 Peter 2:17), at a time when believers were being persecuted for the faith. Honour is not tied to our feelings for someone.

The biblical emphasis on honouring others has everything to do with the biblical command to honour God. God fashioned human beings in His image. When we honour others, no matter who they are, we honour God. As we honour God, we increase His esteem in the world and attest to His ultimate value.

What Does Glorify God, or Honour God Mean? How Do We Glorify and Honour God?

It means to bring Him glory and honour through everything we say and do – Doing everything for the glory of God. Honouring God, Glorifying God with our lives, words, thoughts, actions, songs, dance, food, drink and in all we do. Acknowledging God’s glory, Appreciating who God is, Valuing God far above everything else.

We glorify God by loving him, by obeying him, by trusting him and walking with him. We honour God when we have faith and trust in him, when we love him, and when we truly desire to know him, obey him and please him in all that we do. We were created to glorify God, enjoy him and walk with Him. When we glorify God and honour God, we get closer to him and enjoy him immensely. God is really pleased and rejoices over us when we glorify him and live for him.

Loving Father, thank You for Your love. I pray that You would pour Your godly love into my heart so that Your love may stream through me to all my brothers and sisters in Christ – that I too may love with a brotherly affection and considers the needs of others before my own, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

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