Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Thursday 22 July 2021

A Methodist Way of Life

One of the questions asked within ‘A Methodist Way of Life’ is “When, lately, have you felt close to God or distant from God?”

Many have heard the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson 

Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, 

and Spirit with Spirit can meet- 

Closer is He than breathing, 

and nearer than hands and feet. 

It sounds so good on paper doesn’t it. But many have a sense that they can't find God?  What can we do if God doesn't seem to be there for you? Some Christians struggle with that question. 

A high school student wrote, "What do you do when God seems far away, and you're praying to an empty chair, and you're reading the Bible for your devotions, but you do it because you know you should, and it does not mean anything to you?" 

What do you do if you feel the sane? 

One suggestion is to read and reread Psalm 139, and let it sink in. Then come near to the God who loves you and knows everything about you. That's what James says: "Come near to God and he will come near to you." Throughout the Bible God invites us to come. The Lord invites us to come and reason together (Isaiah 1:18). Jesus invites the weary to come to him and find rest (Matthew 11:28-29), and he promises that he will never drive us away (John 6:37). We have to come just as we are--empty-handed. 

A very busy young minister found himself so caught up in the work of his ministry yet had a sense of God being far away until one day the words of hymn came to mind - “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling.”

A common mistake we make is that we look for God in places where we ourselves wish to find him, yet even in the physical reality this is a complete failure. For example, if you lost your car keys, you would not search where you want to search, you would search where you must in order to find them.” 

“At times God puts us through the discipline of darkness to teach us to heed Him. Song birds are taught to sing in the dark, and we are put into the shadow of God's hand until we learn to hear Him...Watch where God puts you into darkness, and when you are there keep your mouth shut. Are you in the dark just now in your circumstances, or in your life with God? Then remain quiet...When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.” Oswald Chambers


Lord God, give us the grace to respond to your invitation to come. Accept us as we come to you, just as we are, and assure us of your love shown for us in Jesus. Amen.

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