Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Names and Titles of Jesus


Job 19:25

Verse Concepts

“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,

And at the last He will take His stand on the earth.

Within a matter of weeks we will no doubt we will  be reminded of the characters of Scrooge and perhaps Ron Moody’s unforgettable portrayal of Fagin. During this era the prominence of the pawnbroking was all too evident, where money was borrowed against the deposit of personal items that could only be redeemed at a price. 

It is perhaps to the use of the word redeemer in the English translation of scripture that the saving work of Christ has emphasised the notion of payment to redeem humankind. Rather, the word in the Greek is more closely aligned the concept of deliver - one who liberates someone who was previously a captive. The Old Testament adds to this image as a liberator with the word ‘gâ'al’ meaning to act as a kinsman. 

N T Wright says,”Wise Christian worship takes fully into account the fact that creation has gone horribly wrong, has been so corrupted and spoiled that a great fault line runs right down the middle of it ... worship of God as redeemer, the lover and rescuer of the world, must always accompany and complete the worship of God as creator.”

Human society also reflected God’s character as redeemer. In each family or clan of ancient Israel, a family member was responsible for “redeeming” others in the clan at various times of need. It also included redemption of property, when a family member bought back land that a relative had sold. A relative who had sold himself into slavery was to be bought back (redeemed) by another in the clan. In the book of Ruth, the family redeemer also provides a child in the case of a man who had died without descendants. In the situation that Ruth shows us, the family redeemer was under no obligation to perform the act of redemption, yet he willingly did so.

In the book of Ruth, the idea of chesed, often translated lovingkindness or mercy, lies behind the action of the redeemer in Hebrew thought. Chesed implies acting to meet the deep needs of others based on relationship of commitment and covenant. Because of this, it also implies that a more powerful person will be the one showing chesed to one who is weaker, and it is done voluntarily. In the same way, God’s chesed lies behind His acts of mercy on behalf of His people Israel and this action is the life death and resurrection of Jesus.

I know that my Redeemer lives,

and ever prays for me;

a token of his love he gives,

a pledge of liberty.

I find him lifting up my head;

he brings salvation near;

his presence makes me free indeed

and he will soon appear.

He wills that I should holy be:

who can withstand his will?

The counsel of his grace in me

he surely shall fulfil.

Jesus, I hang upon your Word:

I steadfastly believe

you will return and claim me, Lord,

And to yourself receive.

Samuel Medley

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