Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Monday, 26 October 2020

The Names and Titles of Jesus


1 Timothy 2:5 “There is one God and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”

The need for mediators in our world is so evident in these troubled times.  Whether it’s Covid-19 financial support, continued Brexit negotiations, presidential elections or the clash of warring factions at a national or personal level. In simple terms, a mediator is someone who bridges the gap between people, someone who reconciles conflict in a relationship. Or borrowing a technical term from the word of electronics an inter-annunciator, a means by which the condition in one area is relayed to another.


Closely linked to the notion of Jesus as Mediator is that he is the great intercessory, someone who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer. But the significance of Christ as Mediator is that the title is qualified with the word ‘one’.  There is ‘one’ God and ‘one’ Mediator. 

Neither in Jewish nor in Greek thought humankind did not have direct access to God. But, through Jesus Christ, the Christian has direct access, with nothing to bar the way between. Concerning this one Mediator. E. F. Brown tells us, for instance, this iswhat the Hindus find so hard to believe. They say: "Your religion is good for you, and ours for us." But unless there is one God and one Mediator there can be no such thing as a harmonious family of humanity. If there are many gods and many mediators competing for their allegiance and their love, religion becomes something which divides people instead of uniting them. It is because there is one God and one Mediator that humankind are fully united to one another.

There is a view that every encounter and conversation, if touched by the Holy Spirit, can become a sacred moment.  It’s as if there’s me and you and this gap, this space between us, and if the gap is filled by the ‘Go-Between’ God,  then our meeting is utterly transformed from just a mundane encounter and becomes, instead, a precious moment touched by God. 

Just think about it; every time I am given this unexpected awareness towards some other creature and feel this current of communication between us, I am touched and activated by something that comes from the fiery heart of divine love.

Jesus, my Advocate above,

My Friend before the throne of love,

If now for me prevails thy prayer,

If now I find thee pleading there,

Do thou the secret wish convey

That prompts my wayward heart to pray;

Hear, and my weak petition join,

Almighty Advocate, to thine.

Jesus, my heart's desire obtain,

My earnest suit present, and gain;

My fullness of corruption show;

The knowledge of myself bestow.

My sovereign Lord, to thee I cry;

Without thy mercy I must die:

My life, mu only heaven thou art;

O may I feel thee in my heart

Charles Wesley

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