Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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Sunday, 13 September 2020

To Poland with Love - Recalling the 1988 Mission during a Communist Era 5

Agape Evangelical Church and Wall Hanging by Rev’d Paul Collings

(KROL KROLOW JEZUS PAN PANOW - King of Kings, Lord of Lords)

James 1:27 & 2:15-16 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James“Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?”

Sunday 10th September - Morning Worship - Facing Difficult Situations

After breakfast and morning prayers the band formed up outside the Agape Evangelical Church to March the Streets of the local community. When we returned to the church the congregation had gathered ready for morning worship spilling out onto the pavement outside. The usual 70 congregation was five times as big as the usual Sunday number. Again, we were informed that a political policeman was there taking notes.

The worship was a joyous occasion, although we struggled to sing in polish whilst the children of the congregation had great fun learning an english chorus. The Lt Colonel’s sermon shared the impact of following Jesus, in everyday life, come what may.

With those thoughts ringing my ears,  this gospel truth also had a difficult, even a dangerous side. You see in the congregation was the wife and her two children of the previous assistant pastor of the church, who under suspicious circumstances and been severely injured by a train whilst waiting at a station in the north of the country earlier that year. The actual circumstance had never been thoroughly or satisfactorily resolved. The Pastor, Wieslaw Jakonuik had to have his legs amputated, yet in spite of financial assistance organised by Brian Hart’s to buy the specialised drugs, Wieslaw’s injuries where so severe that he never recovered.     Due to the lack of welfare support within Poland, the minister’s wife, Helena and her two children Bartek (then aged 6) and baby Estera had to rely on church friends for support.  Through Brian Hart work I was privileged to hand over £3000 cheque as a gift from UK congregations to this humble lady and her children. Believe it or not, this sum of money in 1988 would give Helena and her children sufficient finance  to support this family for 5-6 years. 

The kind of suspicious event that ended up with the death of this young pastor was not an Isolated situation in Poland at that time as we shall see later in the week.

No questions today but an opportunity to ponder the words of this hymn in the light of today’s episode.

I do not ask thee, Lord,

That all my life may be

An easy, smooth and pleasant path;

‘Twould not be good for me.

But O I ask today

That grace and strength be given

To keep me fighting all the way

That leads to God and Heaven

I do not ask thee, Lord,

That tears may never flow,

Or that the world may always smile

Upon me as I go.

From thee fell drops of blood;

A thorn-crown pressed thy brow;

Thy suffering brought thee victory then,

And thou canst help me now.

And what if strength should fail,

And heart more deeply bleed?

Or what if dark and lonely days

Draw forth the cry of need?

That cry will bring thee down

My needy soul to fill,

And thou wilt teach my yearning heart

To know and do your will.

Fannie Jolliffe 1862-1843

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