Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

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We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Saturday 25 December 2021

Excerpts from Becky Lovatt’s Book - Beyond the Chocolate Window

The Voice of Life

Jesus says:

“I am the voice of life —- a life that will not die; the life that conquered death, and the life that still lives on in all who are called to bear my name. I am the life from before creation, the life that brings restoration, turning chaos and darkness into order and a light. I AM.

“I told everyone my story from beginning to end — from birth to death to rebirth. I told them what would happen, and how; that I would be arrested, tried, lashed and crucified, then buried in a borrowed tomb. Then on the third day, I would rise again, defeating sin and death.

“ All this was planned. Before I was born, the scheme was set in place and foretold, even while God’s people chose to walk their own path.


“I was there when God spoke. I witnessed how he breathed life into creation, including humanity. I was there when a relationship formed, when God chose and claimed his people as his own. Then as they chose the darkness over light, death over life, our ultimate plan came into its own.

“‘I will go,’ I said, ‘and leave all this behind me. I will willingly trade the majesty of heaven for the chaos of the earth.’

“A young woman was chosen to bring my human form to birth. The man to whom she was engaged would become my human father and raise me to be a physical man.

“Then the time came for me — the Life — to be born and live among my people — yet without sinning. I would feel all there was to feel. I would know happiness and sorrow, hope and suffering. I would form friend-ships, and know betrayal and denial, loneliness and pain. Worst of all,I would experience separation from my heavenly father.

“In the shadow of the cross I was born, and my mother laid me in the food trough of a stable, wrapping me in‘ an old blanket, because nobody could offer a room for my parents to stay in when they needed it. My birth was announced by angels, and those who came to visit were from all corners of the earth and from all walks of life.

“Shepherds came, demonstrating that I had come to all and not just those who could afford me. Wise men travelled from the East, representing the non-Jewish contingent; showing that my reign of life, hope, joy and peace would be open to all, regardless of race, creed or colour; establishing that God is accessible to all.

‘“I. am the voice of life,’ I told those I encountered on earth. Now I offer life in all its fullness to anyone who wishes to receive me.”


God of life,

help me to receive your gift that is freely given in Christ.

Help me then to take it out and show your love and life

to all people, regardless of race, colour or creed.

Enable me to live a life for you that demonstrates to others

the life you want to give.


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