Fore Street Topsham, Exeter

Reverend Paul Collings BTh (Hons) - - - - - - - - 01392 206229 - - - - 07941 880768

About Us

We are a community of faith seeking to discover the face of Jesus Christ in our Church, in our Community and in our Commitment.

Monday 16 August 2021

A Methodist Way of Life

We will speak of the love of God. A Hymn of my childhood by Sydney Cox reads

God's love to me is wonderful, 

That he should deign to hear 

The faintest whisper of my heart, 

Wipe from mine eyes the tear; 

And though I cannot comprehend 

Such love, so great, so deep, 

In his strong hands my soul I trust, 

He will not fail to keep. 


God's love is wonderful, 

God's love is wonderful, 

Wonderful that he should give his Son to die for me; 

God's love is wonderful! 

God's love to me is wonderful! 

My very steps are planned; 

When mists of doubt encompass me, 

I hold my Father's hand. 

His love has banished every fear, 

In freedom I rejoice, 

And with my quickened ears I hear 

The music of his voice. 

God's love to me is wonderful! 

He lights the darkest way; 

I now enjoy his fellowship, 

'Twill last through endless day. 

My Father doth not ask that I 

Great gifts on him bestow, 

But only that I love him too, 

And serve him here below.

But what if the service here below is speaking of God’s love to others?

The mission Jesus gave to his Apostles must have sounded totally impossible, beyond their comprehension: ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole of creation.’ They, a group with so many limitations and who had drawn back at the moment of crisis, are now entrusted with the mission of Jesus himself. Perhaps even more astounding is the fact that they did carry out this mission, and we, together with so many others, are the beneficiaries of their faith and trust in Jesus. I sincerely thank God for the Apostles, and for my faith. 

The Gospel of Mark ends with this beautiful image of Jesus accompanying and confirming the Church with his power as it carries out its mission of spreading the good news. He still does so, and I pray for the Church in our days that it may be faithful and courageous as it carries the message of Jesus to the whole world.

Each of us is called into the ministry of Jesus in some way. We are called to be 'other Christs', to be people who wish to make known and spread the love of God and his care for his people in the world. We may never know how much we have done this; it is sufficient that we do what we can. God has some work to do that can be done only through each person. In a time of prayer we ask that we use our gifts and talents as best we can in God's service.


 Dear God, help us not to be so consumed by busy lives that we fail to find time to share your love with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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