Another gospel foundation that forms the basis of a disciples life is the Kingdom of Heaven as mentioned in Matthew 13:45-46. “the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
The pearl symbolises beauty and worth. The merchant had many pearls but he was looking for one finer than the rest. In life there are many pearls - friendships, health, family life, art and music -but the kingdom of heaven, the rule of Jesus, outshines them all.
In the previous parable (Matthew 13:44), the man happens on the treasure. In the same way, some people find Jesus and enter the kingdom suddenly and unexpectedly. But here, the merchant probably spent months or even years looking for the one pearl he really wanted, just as some people take a very long time to find or accept Christ and his kingdom.
People can give their time and energy for many causes and reasons. We can spend a lot of time making enough money to buy a good house, travel the world. We give up some things we like to get what we want. We sell a car to buy another car. We may give up personal interests to look after the family well.
This is the sort of idea Jesus puts before us. His message is that the kingdom of God has come among us now. In him, God is very close to the world and to us. The marks of this kingdom are qualities like compassion, justice, love, mercy, peace of mind and heart, closeness to God. These are treasures of life, and to live by them, we will find ourselves giving up other concerns.
Lord, you hit me hard with this gospel. It calls for no compromises. The search for you, and the service of you, is the pearl of great price, the treasure worth more than all that I possess. You are not speaking of a single act of renunciation. You ask us to show that priority all through our life, in every decision we take. Open my eyes afresh by your Holy Spirit to see the true value of your kingdom. Amen